Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My security blanket is a Smartphone...

Current Mood : Relieved

Ya takes yer chances with any of 'em, really. 
Yesss ! We have phones again ! My ‘smartphone’ is once again something besides an alarm clock / kitchen timer. True, it is much more expensive per-minute and per-text now, but we’re not going to be using them much. More like a security blanket, for just-in-case more than chatting. After the first day of a week’s withdrawal, I found that I didn’t miss it that much.

And since we have Wi-Fi as part of our rent and part of Beloved Hubby’s school, the ‘smart’ part still works, if really, really slowly. If we really wanted to, Beloved and I could chat via online instant messaging or somesuch, but it just seems like such a hassle.

Then, I suddenly started getting weird texts. I couldn’t make a bit of sense out of ‘em. Since I’m now paying for those (probably was before, too, just not as much), I politely told the authors that I had a new-to-me number, I didn’t know who they were, so could they please stop sending me these little notes? Eleven messages from them and some research later, I finally figured out that the previous phone number’s owner set it to relay Twitter messages via phone as texts. Luckily, the explanation included information on how to shut that nonsense off.  I also spent a good chunk of the day updating our new phone numbers to as many places as I could think, preferably on-line. I could easily burn through $20. just calling everybody with the information.

Here’s Reason #6238 why I love our Library. Besides the use of neat meeting rooms for free. As you probably know, Dearest Son is currently enamored of Chucky, the possessed doll from the Child’s Play horror-movie series. He’s seen bits and pieces of the various shlock set-pieces via YouTube, but hadn’t seen the whole movie. Our Library didn’t seem to have it, darn the luck, but I put in a Hold for it anyway. And there it was. Shoot. Well, Beloved and I zipped through it quickly, and didn’t see too many really bad spots, so we let him watch it, as requested, alone. He was OK, and enjoyed it well enough, but really, he’d already seen about half of it.

We watched it together today, as it’s due Friday. And I ended up laughing my round rear off. Every last spot of unimaginable violence was futzed up. Seriously. You’d have the Chuckster acting all menacing and scary, then some digital artifacts, a flip-book of freeze-frames, more square-shaped garble, then it would clear up just in time to show Chucky running off to some new mayhem. Since most of the ole ultra-violence wasn’t on YouTube either, this was kind of a boring movie in Dearest’s opinion. He still likes the doll characters and the boy in peril, but his interest in more of the same has withered. 

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