Saturday, September 15, 2012

Dang, Deuce !

Current Mood : Beyond lazy, although I am halfway through reading The Razor's Edge.

Current Image Notes : Not sure what’s going on (I can guess !) in this image from Ghoulfriends Forever, but I want to make this dress ! Actually, I just want to own that dress, so I’ll probably have to make it.

Got the new coffee maker cleaned up – it works like a dream. Even has that little lever that allows one of us to ‘steal’ a cup while the pot’s still brewing, and it works. Our last coffee maker had the slot for it, but not the mechanism, because it was the super-cheap model. We left that one for FIL, who drinks far more coffee than we do. And I honestly thought the hand-strainer would work as well. It did OK, just took for-ev-er. And that was just for one cup ! $5. is well-worth both Beloved Hubby and I having a cup together, with breakfast, in my book.

I also learned precisely how small our kitchen is. If the dining area table is cluttered up with therapy homework, Beloved’s classwork, and various bits of AirSoft stuff he’s trying to ditch on eBay, I have to pile the dishes in the kitchen. The sink pretty much overflows with CorelleWare after one meal, much less two, and by the time dinner rolls around, there’s no room to cook. So I had to break my cardinal rule of no dishwashing on weekends, because we were all getting pretty darn hungry ! At least it didn’t take too long, and I’ll try to keep tonight’s supper dishes done up as we go. The labels and stickers came right off the former popcorn mason jar, and I’m only waiting for it to dry before I fill it with cornmeal.

I gotta quit letting the days get away from me ! 

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