Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy birthday to me - my presents are here !

Current Mood : Yippeeee !

Yeah, you kinda knew there'd be a 'Mine !' photo today. I had a restless night, though, so Beloved Hubby - who had today off -  picked up the 'scripts and checked the Target down the street. Mal-Wart did well this time, only made one small error, and we can fix that next time. Prices were exactly as expected, so it was actually a relief, and I have what I need for a while, which is a bigger one. My chest was super-tight all day, and I had less than no interest in food at all, except to buffer the 'scripts with. But I settled on toast and felt a little better. DC-kitty came in and his purring - and antics with Oliver-kitten - helped, too. 

Unfortunately, while their website said they were well-stocked, the closest Target had none of the 'locker' dolls. Oh, well. Beloved said he knew where the next one was, and if I could call to make sure, he'd be glad to take us over during a supply run before lunch. Secured the phone number and item sequence number from the website and called - they'd even be glad to hold one of each for me at the Service Desk ! Wow, what a nice store ! When we got Ghoulia and Holt last year, the Target here (ironically) refused to do any holds, and we were driving about 45 minutes each way. 

I got a bit more rest, at Beloved's darn near orders, and soon it was time. I was hoping like heck I'd described the dolls accurately, so there wouldn't be three random dolls, but it may also be a very clever store - they had the right ones waiting for me, I barely had to walk past the front doors. And they were perfect. It took Beloved longer to park than it did to get my birthday present ! 

I confess, I'd have liked to see what else that store had, but I was darn lucky to get what I got, so I kept my stupid mouth shut. Beloved got what he needed, both for an art project and a work one, and we were on our way home, with grocery deli salads for lunch. Thoughtfully, he'd also gotten me a bag of cheddar Chex Mix...that I ended up giving back to him. About all I could taste was the pretzels, and those just barely. Salad was delicious, though. 

Paired with the 'scripts, though, I fell asleep on the sofa, with Beloved prodding me to rest more comfortably in bed. Two hours later, I was awake and feeling much better. Got the blog caught up and played for a while. I have three dolls to debox, but no sense rushing ! 

I am sorry about the blog's sporadic entries lately. I easily have the energy and sometimes even the brain functions to write every day (but not always, not that it's anything new !), but not always to find and edit photos, especially when I have a new wonder to share. Some days, I can't even get the 'dog with fan' image entered right ! And other times, I just can't think of a creative way to say 'still blargh, want stuff, tweaked at other people who have what I want, yarble yarble'. Especially when I've already entered it twice earlier that week. 

At least the 'have what I want' thing's pretty much over. About all I still want are the clothes packages and a look a the 'hang loose' hand-pose Lagoona. It's about the same for what was shown at San Diego Comic Con this year - about all I want are the clothes. New characters are nice, and I would snap the Headless Headmistress and the banshee girl up in a blink, but otherwise, there's not that much for me. I'm already swimming in hot and cold running Ghoulias and now Lagoonas, haven't been able to sew in three months - I'm about ready for a vacation away from MH for just a bit. 

But I can't wait to go debox Ghoulia ! You'll get to see her tomorrow. Has this been a great birthday, or what ? (grin)

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