Friday, August 26, 2011

Cleaning and whining...they just go together naturally !

Current Mood : Happy to have so many new 'back to school' outfits !

Today was a comedy - which is a tragedy, twice removed. Beloved Hubby woke me to say Dearest Son was riding along with him to Granny & Grand-dad's this morning, so if I wanted a good-bye kiss, I'd better get it now. I made sure he had everything, which was kinda rocky, as my insomnia was back last night, and I'd barely lay down at 4am. Glad he woke me, though, I think we'd have both missed having even just a bit of time otherwise. 

Just before they left, Beloved told me he'd left a ripe nectarine and a small cheese Danish for me for breakfast, and after I ate, the day was mine. I could sleep all day if I liked, but I needed to eat something first. Can't say I really fault him for this, my appetite is still off, and I don't really eat unless strongly encouraged...and that nectarine smelled so good...

That's the real boot of this whole business. I can deal with the rest of it - the weakness, the wheezing, last week's use of a fat-azz cart at Target - but when food smells soooooo good, yet still tastes like ashes, it's like I'm being punished ! Yeah, I'm whining, at least I have food, I should be grateful, even if I can barely choke most of it down these days. I've missed one day and (nervous cough) got sick one day on the vitamins, so I don't know if they're doing any good or not, so my 'zinc deficiency' hypothesis may be waaay off. It's funny though, that of all the things that have returned shortly after I started taking the darn ersatz one-a-day supplements, it was insomnia...

Anyway. Futzed around on the computer for an hour, enjoying a near-perfect nectarine - I could only wish it was bigger ! - and a slightly microwave-warmed Danish when I felt sleepy again. Well, with the Return of Insomnia, maybe an hour or so would perk me up a bit, I already felt better than I've had in days. 

Four hours later...yeah, four hours ! I slept, nonstop, for four straight hours ! I couldn't believe it, it was unbelievable. Anyway, I was awake and oddly hungry again, so I was up and at 'em. Wow. Hope I can give Beloved a power-nap like this one this weekend ! I almost felt like I woke up with a cape around my shoulders ! 

So I got my downloads done from EmbLibrary. It's been so long since I bought anything from them - either with money or freebie 'gift' certificates - that it's the first time I've seen their new way of providing model sheets. Can't say I'm fond of it, but there's not a lot of changes I can make. I used to spend at least a half hour per design, customizing the model sheet my way. Can't do that anymore, it's just a PDF download. Thinking back, it was kind of silly I spent so much time tweaking designs I haven't ever used - I print out an entirely different guide when I actually embroider anything.

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