Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Stove serendipity !

Ok, so. About ‘preferring the after-move’…what was I thinking or imbibing ? Ugh. All our stuff is under the roof, and quite a lot of theirs has been moved to make way for ours, but it’s still an ungodly mess. I did, however, got to make some headway on the living room, where Dearest Son and my desks are. He’s decided to have one desk in his room, and his computer table in the living room… although we kind of decided that second part for him.

Since the front window wall is much too short for even one desk, I shoved the sofa under it – perfect perch for Ginger ! – and unfolded desks until I had something we could move around in, but still have space. It’s a mess still, but I feel much better now that I have most of my Arena back. Most of my sewing and craft stuff is still boxed up, but finally, joyfully, all my MH classmates are back out of their slightly over-crammed box and back on their only slightly snug bleachers, where I can see everybody. That’s gone a long ways to restoring my content and happy.

Another is that Beloved Hubby has installed his desks in his study, and he’s so far, so good in there, although it is also fulla boxes and de-shelved bookcases yearning to be filled. The only thing I can do for him in exchange for all the work he does for us is to give him that one room that’s completely and totally his, so that’s what I’m doing. There’s not gonna be a single doll or so much as a spool of thread in there. He can close the door and not worry that anyone’s blocked from a using a printer or anything. Heck, I thinned out my books to where they can all fit on a half-case (which I already have) in the bedroom, once the closet is cleaned out and put to use for something besides box hiding.

And he installed that new-to-us cooktop, which fit perfectly and is amazing, especially compared to the old one. It still looks so new, and works like a dream. I’ve never had a five-burner arrangement before, so to me, it looks professional-grade. Still can’t believe we got it off Craigslist for $150. 

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