Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Man, Skull Shores Ghoulia even looks mean in CGI !

Current Mood : Emotionally weary.

Happy Thirteenth !

I always kinda like the 13th - Beloved Hubby was born on that numerical date, and we got married on the same date, different month. Lately, Mattel's done some fun stuff with Monster High every month on that date, so there's more to like ! Today, it was a preview video of an upcoming special, Escape From Skull Shores, which seems to be a King Kong parody. That's funny when ya think about it. Anyway, if you haven't seen it yet, it's more CGI like Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love ? , but does explain the greyscale Skull Shores Frankie somewhat. Check it out here - http://www.freakyfab13.com/

There was also a contest on Twitter. Turns out I had an account there I completely forgot about, so I entered. It's already over, and (sob) I didn't win. I never expect to. I have no luck with drawings and lotteries, to the point that it amazes me that I still play 'em sometimes. I once lost a 'lose ten times, get a free t-shirt' contest. Seriously. My 'magic gold bead' got lost in the machine. They actually took it apart to find it, but it was just gone. I have won exactly one Bingo game and one drawing in my life.

But I'm lucky where it counts. I got a great life, and my cars usually break down in the driveway instead of the freeway. I've nearly died so many times that psychics often get headaches in my presence, and I think the whole thing's funny. My sewing goes right more often than it goes wrong, and it's a beautiful day today.

I was restless still today, so I took it out on my Want list. I have two vintage thread boxes I love from yard sales - one is Harvest Gold, the other is Avocado Green - and a third mis-matched box that kinda bugged me. It was much too big, and I'd really rather have a third vintage one. I know they also come in Bright Orange and Dark Brown (ya gotta love the 70s palette of colors), but those seem to be more rare. Found a few for about twelve bucks delivered, in gold and green, of course. Last month, there were dozens out there for half that. Ah, well.

Decided to try to find a third one locally as yard sale season begins, instead of going eBay or online. But for now, that big mismatched box bugged me something fierce. So I filled up the much smaller thread box I normally use when I have to line up a dozen or more color spools for Brody's embroidery work, and switched and swapped around until I eventually got the awkward box emptied. Whew ! I still want a third vintage box, but I'm far less likely to buy one now that the bugging-me one is gone. I'll probably donate it.

From there, I also cleaned out my other craft supply units, along with the Arena, and found spaces and places for things that are much easier to access. The embroidery book section has been expanded and neatened, and the computer software that got crammed in here got reorganized.  Snagged two fancy containers I got from Dollar Tree a couple years ago and put 'em back to work, holding my latest hoard of used dryer sheets - aka, ' cheap stabilizer' ! - from the Laundromat, and bits of tulle and netting I had lying around. A mini cabinet I kept 'cause it's cute is now in the MH display in the Arena, doubling as DracuLaura's desk or Ghoulia's sewing surface, as needed. Several larger scraps went inside the cabinet, and I have paper clips, rubber bands, and erasers in the shelves. Too cool !

Sometimes, picking through the Wants is a great thing ! The tall stacks of misc. stuff are all down by quite a bit, and I feel like I have a lot more light. Too bad I didn't actually sew anything today...(sweatdrop)

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