Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Yaay ! 2014 ! I feel better already...

Current Notes: I love my MH calendar...

We had a very nice New Year’s Day. FIL made biscuits for breakfast, I made New Orleans Red Beans with the ham-bone and some extra ham (we’d picked the bone pretty clean, I gotta remember to save some of the next ham early), next to traditional black eyed peas and cornbread on the side. Since that’s a good all-day serve-yourself meal, that’s about all the work I did. Well, that and about an hour’s worth of dishes. What can I say, I decided to leave my sloth in 2013. Hopefully 2014 will be a ‘get it done’ kind of year.

DMIL called it a New Years’ Feast, and hopes I can do it again all year long and next New Year’s. It really did come out well, even if the cornbread came out more like corn cake, and took ten minutes longer to bake than it should have. Really good with butter, though.

Honestly, I mostly cooked the beans to get the ham-bone out of the fridge. Friday, our former and FIL’s current dog, got it when I was done. Maybe the Universe will note that I was awesome today, even made Friday happy, so it’ll reward me in a few weeks. Come on, Karma, I want a Slo Mo doll !

Otherwise, it was much like Christmas – we all lazed around and did whatever lazy things we wanted. In between dishes and cooking, I watched two more Netflix episodes of Princess Jellyfish, an absolutely adorable anime. Kind of like a caste clash propped up against a Japanese version of Bosom Buddies. There’s even a doll otaku in it ! The ‘Three Kingdoms’ girl is getting on my nerves, though. Dearest Son is online shopping for his upcoming birthday, and Beloved Hubby’s researching getting back into crafting guitars again. No satellite TV – we’re late with the bill – but it’s not like anyone was watching it. If DMIL & FIL hadn’t signed a two year contract that’s only six months down, I’d cancel it tomorrow. I’ve developed a real hatred for all forms of cable TV.

I even got to sew a bit. Wanted to try that Russian coat pattern again, have ever since I noticed the translation ‘Can be made with felt’. Maybe that’s why my initial effort fit so poorly, I used much thinner cotton. Of course, I had to get it right (or at least close enough to ‘right’ to keep !) first, but then the wonder challenged me. So today, I dug out the light blue felt I bought for the abandoned HooDude project, mostly because I was too lazy to change the white thread out of the sewing machine – and I was out of white felt – and got going. About 45 minutes later, I knew it wasn’t the choice of fabric. It came out nice, but still much too big on a standard ghoul body. Ah, well. If I want to use felt on the next MH version, I’ll have to widen the sleeves. These were hard enough to turn right side out, even after trimming the seam allowances, and of course, the MH ones are even narrower.

I was wondering which Barbie-scale doll would want a new blue jacket when I decided to try it on the blue-haired Midnight Magic doll, Crystal. Still a bit big, but after the addition of another quarter-inch seam up the back, it was nearly right. That seemed odd, until I looked at the pattern again. I’d used the one that I’d already altered to avoid the back seam, the one for Barbie. Not the unchanged original Russian one. Sleeves still slightly too long, and I can take a bit more out of the back, but, hey, now I have a Midnight Magic pattern ! It looks better not quite closed in front due to an uneven front hem, so now it’s a cardigan. Stitched a fake hem along the bottom edge and called it done. I want to make Crystal some pants to go with it – her issue shiny blue shorts look silly with a cardigan – so I’ll get photos tomorrow.

Not bad for the first day of the new year. I cooked, cleaned, sewed, read, was online, slept, ate well, and was warm the whole time. May not seem really special, but I am grateful for all these things. 

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