Monday, January 6, 2014


Current Notes: Feh. 

I hate my life sometimes. Beloved Hubby got a (hopefully better) new job today, and to celebrate, we ordered pizza. FIL swooped in and plated half of it before even Dearest Son got any. No, they contributed not a dime to it. Nor did he ask first. And they’d already had supper – we hadn’t ! I don’t know why I’m surprised – I’ve already learned that, when I cook for everyone, don’t tell them what time I hope it’s done, or they’ll stand around the kitchen, plates in hand, waiting. I am so fried. I don’t hate my life. I hate this house. I hate that we moved here, and I hate how constant consideration is repeatedly paid back with inconsiderate me-first crap.  

It’s not my day. Someone apparently found a listing on (the Canadian site) for Invisi Billy, as part of the Scaremester line. Not available, of course, but the listing was there, and it was Amazon, not a third-party seller. (sigh) At this rate, Billy will be out before Slo Mo – and both will probably be nearly impossible to find. Heck, I don’t know if I even want a Billy doll…

I’m just bitter. I think I’ll go angry-sew some 1/8-inch hems and try to shake my cruddy mood. Maybe tomorrow will be better. 

1 comment:

  1. That sucks, Dorrie. Is there any chance you can move back into your cool old apartment this summer?
