Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cloak Fail !

Current Notes: Maybe if I try it again in felt...

Awoke today to snow and from the worst nightmare of my life. And it was so real…it seemed to go on for hours, but I wasn’t asleep that long. It’s as if… every negative characteristic I’ve ever heard (or overheard) or even thought about myself went on a hot and heavy date with my wordless, worst fears, and their h#llish hate-child was my dream. I’ve been pretty shaken all day. I don’t dream that often, and this is probably why – my psyche is not to be trusted ! Didn’t help that Beloved Hubby didn’t quite get why I was so upset, since it was just a dream…he patted me on the head and told me how everything in his life right now ranked. And then we got donuts. (sigh) At least I was there for him. And, donuts !

I was darn near desperate to put all that behind me, and when I found that Requiem had published another pattern, I figured $2. was cheap for a day-long distraction. Cute pattern, too, for a cloak and a coat. Only thing I don’t like about her patterns – she uses a 1/8 inch seam and hem. I’m used to twice that, a ¼ inch one. I can do 1/8 inch seams, although they’re a bit tricky, but on hems… you barely have anything to sew !

What I usually do with hers is add the extra bit with a ruler and pencil to make it a ¼ inch seam and hem, but as you can see in today’s photo, that tends to throw off the fit. I also wasn’t sure how to join the hood to the cloak, and did it wrong, but I’ll know next time. The fabric frayed like crazy, and I noticed she used fleece, which doesn’t have to be hemmed, but…(sigh)

I really like this design, and it wasn’t that difficult. So I practiced 1/8 inch seams and hems for a while. I can do them, but it’s a real ache. What I may do on the next go-round is leave the seams alone, but add just a bit to the hems when I’m cutting out the paper pattern. Worth a shot, and I can always use the practice !

(wry grin) Why am I in no hurry to get to sleep tonight…? 

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