Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day !

Current Mood : Greenish.

Forgot to mention that this week is Spring Break, although it really started Friday. Ah, I remember the Big Question at my university – were you gonna cut any or all of your classes to get an early start ? Same as before Christmas. I was a good girl and stayed through my noticeably lightly attended lectures, mostly because my professors were fond of easy-pass pop quizzes that day. Occasionally, I had a professor who cancelled classes, because he or she knew that anything after lunch was guaranteed almost vacant, or they wanted to start their own vacations early, and those always added to the festive mood. I hate to admit it, with few exceptions, I was headed home, and wasn’t in much of a hurry to start clashing with my mother. My homecoming was normally spent on a project they’d been holding for me, usually involving heavy-duty cleaning. One year, I signed up for a bunch of vacation-hour shifts at the radio station, and delayed it for nearly a week. I slept and read and did whatever I wanted. Heavenly.

Even if you’re not enrolled, living in a college town means you still move to the rhythm of the University. Or you just notice that the place is half empty all of a sudden. Beloved Hubby’s home all this week, so as soon as I woke up this morning, I tossed a thawed ham in the oven. We usually keep one or two in the freezer, sort of a ‘food security’ kinda thing. It was out of the oven fifteen minutes before he came home from his every-other-week AirSoft game, so it was perfect. We’ll need something for quick nibbles and fast meals this week, or we’ll spend all our money on eating out. Much as I love it, Beloved is a true devotee of take-out and dine-in, and has been known to decide on a whim and a moment’s notice to go to an old favorite place or brand-new restaurant.  With a ham, there’s always sandwiches and breakfast ready to go.

Now, if I only knew when that Heath and Abbey ‘Home Ick’ set was coming to retail shelves…


  1. Hello from Spain: Happy St. Patrick's Day. Keep in touch

  2. We just finished our Spring Break here, so my boys started back to school today. I spent much of last week emptying out all my craft cabinets so I could rearrange my studio furniture!

    The Abbey and Heath 2 pack are about the only thing I am excited for this year...I'm still on the fence about Twyla. But another guy is ALWAYS welcome! :-)
