Monday, July 27, 2015

The latest DTree 2016 calendars are out ! Go snag yours !

It was simply too hot and humid today, so Beloved Hubby was home. He mostly slept – handling a chainsaw in 90°+  weather is pretty exhausting. But we got the larger chunks of tree trunk and left-by-previous-tenants oil cistern shoved in the garage, away from City Of eyes, and filled the rolly-carts with the rest of the tree. Guess we’re stuffing the house trash in the garage ‘til Friday. Pulled a good load of weeds, until I got too dizzy to keep going. Got eaten by mosquitoes, too. But at least it’s done, we should pass inspection (snort), whenever that is, next time.

Hit Dollar Tree this afternoon – they put out the 2016 calendars, and Dearest Son and I had fun going through them all. I immediately snagged this Frozen one, he had three car-themed ones from which to choose, and I think his final criteria was ‘which has the most Corvettes in it ?’. I also got the solar-powered waving sunflower, the updated one, to keep my older model company. The cheese popcorn is already keeping my belly happy !

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