Monday, January 19, 2015

Hi, Clarice !

I am so stupid. Soon as we woke up, I reminded Beloved Hubby that it was Martin Luther King day, so anybody selling anything would be open to flog MLK sales, anyone providing financial or government services would be closed. Not that he had to deal with either. However, I spent 20 minutes frustrated that, even at 10am, I was still getting the standard overnight message at my primary care doctor’s number at the VA. Stupid !

Once I was aware, I shrugged and went on with the day. Laundry and weekend clean-up, although I was good about keeping the kitchen clean, so it wasn’t much. Of course, it wouldn’t have been much anyway – we had takeout fish for Dearest Son’s birthday Friday, McD’s on Saturday, and pizza at M&FIL’s Sunday. If it weren’t for cereal bowls, I’d have barely set foot in there the whole weekend.

After a while, I wanted to stitch out that outfit I did all the preliminary work on last night. So I now have three outfits in the contest – probably still won’t win, but I’m proud of me for getting it done before the deadline, and how they turned out. Bodice still ripples a bit on the sides, so it needs more work, but as-is where-is, it’s a keeper. May stitch up a jumpsuit with that bodice in a couple days, as I don’t need a dozen tiered dresses these days. Still, it looks good on Clarice ! Contest ends tonight, results Friday. C’est la guerre.

Lost three pounds, but two of them were the same two I lost last week, darn it, so I’m almost where I was last Monday. Getting better at turning down snacks in my head lately. The bags of chips Beloved Hubby bought us Saturday are long gone, except for mine, which remains unopened. In fact, the corn chips I got us Friday from Dollar Tree were finally consumed today – I gave the last of the bag to Dearest. Those rarely lasted more than a day not too long ago. Like in December ! 

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