Saturday, January 31, 2015

At least I'm helping the embroidery design economy recover !

Beloved Hubby surprised us all with Croissanwiches for breakfast, and as I was in a sort of reflective mood anyway,  I started playing classic Motown and Philadelphia sounds good ‘n loud on YouTube. We had a nice morning together singing and eating, and just sharing some memories. While Dearest Son’s too young to have heard those songs on an old 9v-battery powered transistor radio, he has very clear memories of Stand By Me. He favored Poison Ivy especially.

As I mentioned yesterday, I bought a bunch of new embroidery designs, ones I certainly didn’t need…but look at ‘em ! So sophisticated, but sweet, too. Could you have resisted, when they’re 40% off, sale ends Friday at midnight ? Fifteen really cool designs, for less than 50¢ each ? Plus, I got another Elsa… what ? Needed to spend $10. to get the discount, it comes in two parts I can use separately, and I really liked that one. Well worth the $7. total, in my opinion.

That said, today I hope to embroider a design I snagged back on the 10th. It’s a big, complicated one, but I just fell in love with it. Sixteen colors, 21 thread changes, original art I’ve never seen anywhere else. Same problem – colors given are not what I got. And the program I used to use that animated the stitching (quite helpful for selecting colors) doesn’t work, and the one I downloaded last year doesn’t do the stitch-out thing. So I found a new one, Bernina ArtLink 7, and it’s amazing ! It not only does the animation, it also shows a thumbnail of the actual design file, something I’ve never had before. I’m sure I’ve barely scratched the top of what it can do, but even if that’s all there was, it’s awesome – especially for a freebie !

Got to go to Dollar Tree today, and the display right after the solar-powered dancing cupids and li’l devils was of various ‘As Seen On TV’ products. Bacon Bowls, Hot Buns (hair styling), tiny Stone Wave microwave stoneware pots, and some sort of egg cooker were all there. I hope not many folks paid $20. for each of those !

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