Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth !

Current Mood : Lazy

Hope your day and evening was spectacular ! We got a big box of fried chicken from my favorite take-out place, so lunch for the next two or three days is done. Just have to keep up with all the half lemonade/ half tea the guys are drinking ! Heath decided to illustrate his own personal ‘pursuit of happiness’, and the ghouls were amused enough to let the photoshoot happen. Yep, I think Heath’ll be happy here.

I’m kind of having a relapse, just a bit – even though we cleaned a lot today, my chest is still tight and I wheeze on occasion. Beloved Hubby’s worried, but it could just be that we kicked up a lotta dander and dust, and my still-taxed system is having some trouble dealing with it all. I’m hoping for clearer breathing tomorrow, but it’ll probably rain. It’s been four days now without it, and most of us expect rain the day after all these fireworks.

Well, even I got tired of whining about not sewing, so I forced my way through a short project. Like any project I shove my way through, it didn’t go well, but at least it went. I figured some stretch denim would have enough bounce in it for a slip-on flared tube dress, but it didn’t. It was even too tight for Howleen. But I fiddled with it and folded it until it’d mostly fit, and sewed it up. It actually looks pretty good from the front, but the back just can’t hide how tight it really is. I’ll get a photo to ya soon – it’s far from my worst effort, I’m just not terribly happy with it.

But at least it got me off my rock of inactivity.  The latest version of the Arena is crowded, even with all the clutter put away, but is still pretty functional. Now that I know that, it’s time to get back to the creative side of my doll obsession !

I think I already know what my next project is. Dearest Son is kinda naggin’ a bit about getting his old dolls sold – he has about 50 different plans for the money. I need to get them listed, but first, I have to get them dressed. Some are still wearing stuff I wanna keep, but I just can’t sell nude dolls. I can’t even donate nude dolls. First, I need to go through what I have and want to ditch, then I’ll know how many simple dresses and/or shorts I’ll need to sew up. It’ll be good practice, and once they’re gone, it’ll free up some space, give Dearest his funds, and keep my promise.

Tomorrow, though. I’ve got a headache starting…

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