Friday, October 9, 2015

I am such a *total* sucker. . .

Taken right after she leapt into my TRU cart like a salmon.

While this isn’t what I went to TRU for – and not even what I was gonna order off Amazon – I couldn’t help it, I fell in love with Frankie all over again. Of all the original MH dolls, not including the cannily late Ghoulia, Frankie was my favorite, and the doll Beloved Hubby went to *two* TRUs to get for my early birthday present, back in ’10. My guy, who hates shopping, did that for me, making my dolls all the more special to me. It all came flooding back, and I ended up with this giant Frankie in the cart. After, of course, I lined up the three of her in stock, sat back on my heels right there on the floor of the MH aisle, and waited for one to ‘talk’ to me. It never takes long.

Anyone old enough to remember Super Size Barbie ? Her advertising was relentless (‘Suuupersiiiiiize Barbie ! She’s BIG fun !’). I wanted one back when they first came out, possibly the one thing that’d distract me from Star Wars, but my mother read that they were ‘for ages 6 to 12’ somewhere, and she deemed 11 was too old for more play dolls. Instead, they got me a fancy boudoir doll wearing a red velvet gown, wired to a music box, which stood on my dresser, gathering dust, for years even after I moved out. Didn’t know what else to do with it, I never liked the thing, but they stressed how expensive and rare it was. They ordered it from Sears. Ah, well. Probably one of the factors that made me want that Kenner Princess Leia doll so bad, and may well have factored in today’s purchase, who knows.

(squeeee !) I got a Frankie ! And you know if this line is popular enough to expand, I definitely want a giant Ghoulia. So far, everyone who’s seen her is surprised at her size, including me. You hear ’17 inches tall’, but still think that’s not much bigger than the original doll – until you actually see one. It’s a surprise even after you see Gooliope, as she’s crouched down in her box. I’m already concerned about shoes for her, but I’ll figure out something. Already located three not-free patterns for her, and heard that she can fit some Barbie clothes – snug over the hips, and most mini-dresses are tunics, but yaay !

But I feel a strong sense of deja vu – isn’t this where I was, back when I got my first three MH dolls ? Surprised at their size (not Barbie !), plotting out patterns and sewing, wanting and waiting for a Ghoulia, trying to figure out what shoes will fit them ? Frankie’s feet are big ! It may be a good thing I have all this felt. . .


  1. Congrats on big Frankie! I wonder if Gene shoes would fit her? Or Lorifina?

    1. I tried two of Elphie's - no dice. Frankie's feet are wider and about a quarter inch longer. Hope she likes felt slippers !
