Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Barbie's New Millennium Flower Power !

I caved. Last night there was a sale – a small one, but still, a sale ! – on one of the patterns I wanted. I’d intended to buy Oh Sew Kat’s ‘Sunshine Dress’ set for Disney Animators dolls from Pixie Faire.com, since it was $4.99 everywhere I saw it, but You Can Make This.com offered a small Labor Day discout. Hey, 15% off is only 75¢, but to me, that’s a Frozen dog tag necklace or a bag of cheese popcorn, if I can find another quarter ! 

I also give up on my IL’s. They called this morning and I stupidly answered it. MIL says she knew the clinic forgot two of her prescriptions last Tuesday, but she had enough and just now ran out. So she needed me to drive them to OldTown today. Um, if she knew Tuesday, and we were right there at FIL’s Gotta-Go-NOW demanded insistence Wednesday, why didn’t she take care of that then ? We were sitting around waiting for FIL anyway ! I just couldn’t do it. They’ve already demonstrated that taking up most of my day for free chauffer service (that we have to pay for) is something they take for granted, I have no idea why she thinks I want to do it more. I reminded her that the car had been acting up Wednesday (a fib I planted on purpose, ‘cause part of me knew this or something like it was coming) and Beloved Hubby hadn’t had a chance to look at it yet. So Dearest Son and I had made home plans today that didn’t involve running another day in 97° for another four hour odyssey in OldTown. Even if we didn’t, she also knows today’s Game Day, they have to make other arrangements.

Honestly, I think two trips in two days – with FIL micro-managing to the point where he wanted me to leave to pick them up at 4:25, not 4:15 - last week is enough to expect out of even close family. Especially when the same clinic operates here in ThisTown, and they get most of their prescriptions through a Medicaid plan. I’d ask if that OldTown pharmacy could call a sister pharm in ThisTown for me, maybe negotiate some rates. OldPharm does deliveries, since they’re saving soooo much money, maybe it’d be worth asking if they deliver here. I’ve asked if they’ve checked into Senior Services, was told they only worked one way. What ? Or they weren’t good enough. Well, sometimes the free cab ain’t available, and I have a sneaking suspicion that’s gonna happen more often.

I still feel bad. I want to help, I don’t want them to take ill because I don’t feel like spending another day in OldTown, but this is too much stress on me, and they just don’t seem to care. They know I was driving sick Wednesday, and it didn’t matter to them. All that mattered was OldTown prescriptions. This is why Emmy-car sat unfixed for four months. I knew this would start up as soon as they knew she was running again. Ah, well. At least I have an excuse to not follow through on the County Fair this month. If they come by and see the car gone, I can just say we took it to a repair shop for an estimate.

Funny-in-a-gallows-way : their previous ride (yes, that ganja-dealing jerk) pretty much drove his car into the ground with zero maintenance, so he’s now trying to sell it for rent money because he’s been reclassified not disabled. Which we all pretty much knew, who knows who told what to whom to get him disability in the first place. At least the VA has me covered, and they’ll tell the truth, they have to. Beloved briefly considered buying his PT Cruiser, thinking it was in reparable shape, but there’s windows broken out, who knows what’s really wrong with it, and no clear title because he stopped paying the title holder for it. Not something we wanna be in the middle of, truthfully.

I wonder if they’ll let him move in with them, after all, they have that spare bedroom and all I heard for months after their move was how helpful he was, how he managed everything, he was always there for them, on and on. We’ll see.

Anyway, continuing with this week’s Adventures in Organza, I whipped up this quick Barbie slip when I finally calmed down. It took me longer to find shorts to wear under it than it did to make the slip ! It should have straps, but I like it the way it is. The dart was a bit odd and fussy, but the organza performed beautifully. It’s supposed to be longer, knee-length, I think, but I used a scrap left over from yesterday’s shirt, and it determined how long it was. Was supposed to be just a trial, ‘cause I didn’t think I printed the pattern at the right size. Wasn’t planning on keeping it !

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