Sunday, August 16, 2015

Close, but V3 is clearly nececessary !

Whoo. Long day. Not that I did much, but I’ve been focused for a while, and now that it’s done, I got a headache, and I’m dead tired. Decided to share one of my old MH designs with a geek / fan – based group – next time I want some praise and appreciation, I’m gonna do that again ! I also got to re-learn how to assemble and post a .zip file, ‘cause it’s been a long time since I needed to know, and the program I used to use isn’t begware anymore, it’s pay up front or no program now. Can’t say I blame ‘em, in all the time I used theirs, I think I paid once. 

So everyone’s pretty happy with me, but no one’s stitched anything out yet. Hope it works well for them. There’s not much I can do if it doesn’t ! 

Decided to cut out a new version of that ‘commission’ doll dress I’m making for Dearest Son, see if the alterations I made from the first go-round were enough or not. Then I’d read for a bit, maybe take a nap, and wake up fresh and ready to go. Unfortunately, I was too restless to sleep, so I was soon up and at the sewing machine, digging into Version 2.

Aaaand… not bad, but not right, either. Front’s still too wide and a bit too low, and I need to reposition the straps, but that’s not too much of a change. Dearest’s pleased with my progress, but encouraged me to try again, so I kept this one and altered it ‘til it fit Aurora. The bodice has been taken in a quarter-inch underneath the not-supposed-to-be-pleated over-blouse, but as you can see, that darn near fixes it for both DP&M and Animator’s Collection dolls. However, next time I make one for the DP&M girls, I’m gonna add an inch or two to the skirt. Just for fun, I added miniature brads – a years-ago Dollar Tree purchase-hoard – down the front, to make it look like I did it on purpose. Not bad ! And I hope to try Version 3 later this week.

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