Not a good day at Chez
Insanity – it started at about 4am, at
least for me. Kept hearing a cat howl, and it sounded too low-pitched to be
Ginger, and I couldn’t find the cat. Turned out to be FIL’s mackerel-striped grey
American Shorthair in distress. Probably from a tangle with a car. Poor kitty
was in a lot of pain and the emergency veterinarian (spit!) extracted $90. for
a visit and basically didn’t do anything. Oh, she advised FIL of the
approximately $3K in procedures it’d possibly take to get kitty back on all
four paws, but she wanted it cash on the examining table, and no one here has
Clearly kitty was in a lot
of pain, but without cash, she was unwilling to even curb or end his suffering.
She’s free to have her own philosophy, but I was really disappointed in both
her demeanor and her judgmental streak. Angry, too, if you want the truth of
the matter. Yes, if you own a cat, you probably should have $3 to $5K waiting
for emergencies, but the last time I saw money like that unused in a bank
account with my name on it, it was during the Reagan administration. Most of the
people in our ‘hood used their savings some time ago to keep their homes out of
foreclosure or keep the heat turned on – not to mention restoring life back to
normal after another of the tornadoes that seem to love ripping up the same streak
right through this town.
Far too long later, kitty
passed, cradled in FIL’s arms, his suffering finally over. He was a good kitty,
who’d just begun to warm up to us again – Beloved Hubby had saved him from
starving in an abandoned shop by basically carving a hole in the wall in his
boss’ shop next door nearly a decade ago. He’d had a good life, with plenty of
Cat Chow and as much attention as he sought. He fought ‘til the end, and our
meager options to ease his pain earlier would have only added to his trauma,
still, I feel like I didn’t do as right by him as he deserved. It doesn’t
detract from his spirit, his cleverness, his eternal feline beauty, and his
life before. Miss him already.
Poor kitty. It just breaks my heart. :(