Friday, March 14, 2014

Beloved goes in for dental a cosmetic surgeon's office. Oy meh.

Today was both a crashing bore and a frantic chase. Turns out, Beloved Hubby’s dental surgery took place at a cosmetic surgeon’s enclave. Rhinoplasty and botox brochures everywhere. I got so bored and felt so inadequate in the waiting room, I actually reached for a People magazine as a diversion – and a dozen leaflets for dermabrasion, chin implants, and liposuction fell out. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

While Beloved snoozed on the way home, my thoughts got all defensive. I know those stupid come-ons in paper weren’t there for me specifically, but &^%#. As an aside, even the cold pack they sent Dearest home with, and the tube-sock-with-Velcro ™ like wrap it was housed in, bore the cosmetic surgeon’s name, the business logo, and several phone numbers. I don’t know whether I should be impressed with his dedication to providing patients with easily accessible information or skeeved a bit at the implied vanity.

Anyway, he needed his prescriptions almost immediately, so I went on a chase for those, dropping off then picking up. Pharmacy was a never ending line to a ride that was way too expensive and no fun at all. Then a milkshake run, doctor’s orders, to take the swelling down. By the time I sat down with all my errands run, my shake was melted. Still good, though !

Beloved’s still asleep, and I hope his rest takes his pain away. Corn dogs and fries for dinner ! 

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