Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Imagine the Beast's castle, trapped in a snow globe...

Current Notes: If the cold bothered Belle, she'd freeze in that dress !

You’re gonna laugh at me once more, but I’m used to it. I got the dress from DP&M Elsa in an online trade last week, and it’s already here. I’m sort of hoping to snag the gown Anna is wearing, but so far, no one has her, and it’s not even on eBay. S’Ok. I can probably knock off Anna’s dress a lot easier than I could Elsa’s. In any case, buying the dress pretty much insures I won’t buy the doll, and that’s kind of what I’m going for. I have two lovely dolls, Belle and Tia, and unless I thrift another, that’s plenty. I can have more fun dressing them in other dolls’ clothes than I can have with more dolls. Plus, I’vw tried – oh, how I’ve tried ! – to like the DP&M Elsa, but I simply don’t. Her eyes are just too bulgey-starey, and frankly, both Elsa and Anna’s dolls in that line freak me out a little.

Today was go-go-go. Beloved Hubby was home, but I still stuck to my plan. Dearest Son and I were out the door right at 10am to finish off laundry. I was hoping that going in the morning wouldn’t be so crowded as yesterday. I was half right. There were only two other customers, both finishing up, when I arrived, but darn near every machine was going when I left. In fact, one family put quarters in the big five-load machine I was using before I even got the clothes out !

Is it just me, or are Laundromat loads much smaller than home washer loads ? What would barely be three in the washer here at Chez Insanity would only fit in a five-load machine at the Laundromat. Regardless, the other half of our mountain of dirty clothes is now gone, and our bedroom looks less like a long-term youth hostel. I even had to go buy more coat hangers for it all. Guess Beloved threw out our breeder hangers during our last move. He always does that. Any loose hanger, no matter how big a load of dirty clothes we’re hauling, gets thrown away. Well, today it cost him $3. Local thrift doesn’t sell hangers, darn it, so I had to get those cheep plastic ones. Ah, well. At least it’s done.

Although, truth be told, it cost Dearest more than three bucks. While I was out, I picked up a tan Beanie Baby bat for 50c at the thrift, and scored the Winx ‘Stella’s Design Studio’ and the deluxe Frankie fashion set at Tuesday Morning. I did good on those. I’d wanted the Winx set for a while, mostly for the awesome sewing machine, but just couldn’t justify $23. for it at Mal-Wart. $12.99 was much better ! I bought the other three deluxe MH fashion sets as soon as Amazon listed ‘em, but didn’t care a lot about Frankie’s. Of course, as soon as I decided against getting it – I’m sorry, but I hate that shade of blue and red together – other fans made it look amazing. Then, of course, I never saw it again. Today I did – for $4.99 ! Snag !

Tuesday Morning also had two Ghouls Alive Spectras and one Frankie for $15., and a photo day Frankie for the same price. They also had two J-Dolls for $20. each, several Bratz, more Winx, and a bunch of Only Hearts Club dolls and clothes, but from what I can tell from Presto, they don’t always fit MH particularly well, unless you’re sold on the props. I also saw the $7. pony t-shirt Barbie outfit there- for $4. (sigh) Well worth checking out if you have one nearby !

I also took MIL to the library, and ended up buying a book off their sale shelves – a copy of Dear Bess : The Letters from Harry to Bess Truman 1910 to 1959. It’s huge ! They wrote each other nearly every day. Wow. Wonder if someone will someday have their love letter e-mails published as part of history…

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