Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Not lettin’ this one go !

Current Notes: And one day, I'll get to actually see this movie, not just watch it !

Up at 5am, couldn’t sleep. Was supposed to wake up at 6, so I hopped up and started the day early. Got to Mal-Wart for socks, milk, and a copy of Frozen for today’s Homeschool viewing party. Had the set that came with an Infinity Elsa figurine in my hot little paws, and it was only $6. more than the regular DVD, the only one the store had, and I would have gone for it. But it was Blu-Ray only, and I just couldn’t convince m’self that the digital version would play just as well for the party. So I reluctantly put it down and got the basic $16. straight DVD. Ah, well. That’s six bux I can put towards an Elsa doll later, the one I want, when I see her.

I dawdled a bit, failed to find Slo Mo this time either (no surprise), and consoled m’self with three new 99¢ fat quarters. It was that or a loaf of rye bread, and the only reason the fabric won is because they had some pretty new pieces that would look great as a dress for Tiana (who I’m starting to call ‘Tia’), and I wanted some roast beef, too. Maybe next time, rye bread.

The movie viewing went very well – in fact, I think some attendees weren’t members of the Homeschool group ! But it’s not like it matters. I still brought home Capri Suns, two unopened boxes. Beloved and I spent more time talking with friends and new folks than we did watching the movie. The coloring sheets were a big hit, too. I printed about 40, and they vanished quickly. I mean, we usually only have about five or six kids at these events – I figured I’d have to ask people to take the leftover sheets home. The markers and crayons vanished too, but they were parts of 25¢ thrift store grab bags, so I’m fine with it.

Everyone had a good time, and I couldn’t wait to watch the movie again once we were home. Too bad I fell asleep on the sofa ! Oh, well, maybe tomorrow.

Last time I was at our local Mal-Wart Neighborhood Market (smaller version, pharmacy, deli, bakery, but otherwise groceries instead of merchandise), I put aside my pride just a bit and asked when the rotisserie chickens go on half-off markdown. I was told 8pm, and reassured that it was a fairly frequent question. Well, by the time we were ready for chow tonight, no one was in the mood to cook, but low funds remained an issue. So I went out, hoping to snag a discount lemon pepper bird. Score ! So. delicious. We only ate half of it, so guess what Dearest Son and I get for lunch tomorrow ? Yaaay !

I am sooo sleepy. But I’m pretty much home tomorrow, so I’m gonna get my housework done. I gotta earn my take-out rotisserie dinners and doll inspirations, ya know !

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