Saturday, April 7, 2012

Say what you will, this sight makes me so happy...

Current Mood : Weary

I just love my 70s-era thread boxes ! The colors are like a way-out layer cake. 

Spring Cleaning has struck again. City of is doing a big trash pick-up Monday, and we’ve convinced FIL that now’s a great time to ditch a ton of useless, weather-beaten stuff that’s been stored on the open-to-the-elements back porch for a while. That, and the code enforcers were by last week…

It took us most of the afternoon, but all the junk has been relocated to the drop zone, ready for Monday’s pick-up. What a job ! I wore out about 45 minutes in, and had to sit on an oxygen tube for a half-hour. By the time I was off, all the guys had moved on to the really heavy work, stuff I wasn’t able to help on, and I’d just be in the way. So I tackled the dishes, which had begun to stack up. We all finished at about the same time, with much done. Inside and out !

Finished that odd dress I photographed on Lagoona yesterday. Not sure if a doll will ever wear it again, but at least it’s completed. With the work done, Dearest had two papers to write, so I had to run all his errands. It wasn’t so bad, and I got a little time to m’self. Got the batteries I needed for my exercise plan, and stopped by the bakery thrift for a treat – a loaf of Rye bread !

Man, I am so addicted to carbs…


  1. I like those boxes. They look like they can hold some doll related goodies :O)

  2. They do look like narrow Caboodles make-up boxes, don't they ? I never noticed that before. If not for the spool-pins, they'd be great for storing those tiny little bits that always go with dolls !

    Believe it or not, they're each darn near filled to the gills with thread !

  3. I love those boxes. My mom has a vintage one that is a pink/mauve color. I love it and want to snatch it from her, but I will just wait my time and hope to get her on a good day and see if she will willingly give it to me. A girl must have hope. LOL!
