Monday, April 23, 2012

I am the scanning queen !

Current Mood : Dead tired ! (giggle)

Another quiet day. I’m slowly increasing my Wii Fit time by adding ‘Strength’ exercises and keeping my usual ‘Yoga’, ‘Aerobic’ and ‘Balance’ times going. I can’t do many of the Strengths, and some of the Yogas, but the more I do, the easier and better it gets. A month ago, I dreaded having to sit on the floor or bend way down to clean or organize, or even hunt for dolls on low store shelving – now it’s just something I do.

Oliver-kitty showed up for Morning Adoration, something he hasn’t done in weeks. He put up with about ten minutes of petting and brushing, until I found the matted-up wad in his fur.  While he ate, I grabbed the small scissors, and when he wanted a pre-nap head scritch, I pounced. I survived the attempt with only minor scratches and the prize – a shooter-marble size fur wad. Just the one. He was furious as he groomed the general area of my pruning, if his tail was accurately portraying his mood, but I was soon forgiven when I loaded my palm with special treats. He perched on my pillow, to reestablish who was boss around here, and went to sleep.

Dearest Son wanted to trade a half-size bookcase in  his room for the quarter-size one we had in The Study. The smaller one fit right next to his recliner, perfectly. And Beloved Hubby needed more book space. So I got both cleaned and made the transfer today. Kinda sad – those bookcases were both purchased and used by the same people, and on both, all the shelves had dried soda stains. I clean ‘em when I see ‘em, so the one Dearest was gaining was just dusty, not dirty. Either way, all the stains came right off with a bit of water and a rag. I have no idea how long those drips and splotches have been there. It’s just sad that lazy me cleaned ‘em, instead of being mopped up when they happened.

I enlarged the too-tight Pucchi Collective pattern that made Cupid’s blouse  yesterday by 20%. Working on the theory that the pattern I stitched yesterday was for a stretchy knit, I kept both versions. I even have a new blouse cut out of the pretty daisy fabric. But I wanted to do something else today.

So I scanned the boxes of the last four Monster High dolls I got. It was easy, they were all still underfoot at my desk. I also went out and got the Dead Tired Ghoulia box that’s been rollin’ around Starlight’s trunk since last year, and got it cut up and scanned, too. I wanted to keep the art, but don’t have space for the boxes, so I cut the boxes to better fit in the scanner, then trimmed ‘em to get rid of the bulk. Now I have sharp, clear scans of all five, and the good bits and pieces of the boxes themselves in a file folder. The rest, a Mal-Wart bagload of scraps, is out with the trash for tomorrow’s pick up. If nothing else, Beloved’s proud of me.

I also finally got off my lazy butt and turned in every library book and DVD I could find. Took two bags. And I had a third, full of books and magazines for donation. What a relief. We still have three books out – two are Dearest’s – but the fines aren’t too bad. I also found that they have a ‘Free’ box of books, and I helped m’self to two, I Heard That Song Before, by Mary Higgins Clark and Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. While both authors’ works are widely known, I’ve never read any of their books, not one of either. Both volumes are well-worn, but they’re intact and readable, so I’m sure I’ll get to enjoy them soon. I’m kinda still enjoying having all my old books back out ! 

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