Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Sweet Swirls and Onesies. . .

Yaaay, it’s May ! Did you say ‘white rabbit’ for luck ?

I learned something today. There’s a huge size difference between ‘newborn’ onesies and ‘0 – 3mos’ onesies. I’d heard that AG-size dolls could wear onesies, with just a bit of sewing, basically a cut and a hem, and wanted to try it. Seemed wasteful to buy new, so I visited Goodwill last week. Very few onesies, surprisingly.

I found two, luckily sporting the ‘half off’ color tag, but I figured ‘0 – 3mos’ would be fine. Wasn’t. It was HUGE on my dolls, and the 6M was even bigger. Ah, well. They were nice knits for just 99¢ each, so no real loss. After a spin through the washer and dryer, they were added to the growing pile on the cutting table, along with a pair of seashell shorts I hope to fit to Ms. Elsa.

Today I wondered if the 6M one would fit the Build-A-Bear I got yesterday. And it did ! Now I really wanted to sew ! But first, the blade on my rotary was toast, so I had to change that. Then I realized I had no idea how old the needles on my machine were, so I replaced them. Knits need the walking foot, so that went on. But once all the preliminaries were taken care of, it only took a short while to make a shirt, skirt, and panties out of the onesie, which used every scrap, and a strip of grab-bag thrifted elastic.

And, oddly enough, I already have B-A-B patterns. There’s been several on the weekly giveaway at Pixie Faire. Plus bunches more freebies online. I don’t see me making a whole wardrobe for this bear, but who knows ?

Oh, yeah, and the person who was supposed to take the Frozen castle is now waffling about it. So I gotta drag it to the meeting in case she decides she wants it. I missed it, but her reply to the measurements I sent was, ‘We’ll see.’ Seriously considering not bothering. This is the second time I’ve tried to do something nice and caring for this person and she’s thrown it back in my face. (sigh)

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