Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Boom Day !

Beloved Hubby had to work today, so it was like any other day at Chez Insanity. I discovered that 30 cherries for breakfast paired with a going-fast nectarine spiked my diabetes numbers higher than if I’d had a wedge of birthday cake, so I gotta be more careful with fruit. Even the healthy stuff’s dangerous ! My new life would be so much easier if I liked non-starchy vegetables…

My supply of DP&M clothes has begun to outstrip the capabilities of the box the Cinderella nightgown came in, so I’ve been looking at storage boxes. I’d reclaim the one that used to hold my MH stuff, but I let Dearest Son have it, and it’s been destroyed. Meanwhile, there’s the zippered plastic bag from my new bedding – show you what I got for my birthday tomorrow ! – drifting around the bedroom… and now I know about how big a box I’ll need if/when I buy one. There’s not a lot of clothes for them, but those gowns and tutus take up a lot of space. And there’s more coming…if my seller ever mails the box.

Anyway, I knocked out the dishes early – first time I’ve done them since I got back from the hospital ! – and had some afternoon time. By the time I cleaned up the latest cat-generated mess in the Arena, Beloved Hubby was home ! We had a nice dinner and watched fireworks from the backyard.

Hope your Fourth was relaxing and fun !

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