Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I have a hero, too ! Two, in fact - Beloved and Dearest !

Current Notes : My fortune was ‘You will spend many years in comfort and material wealth.’ Um, I kind of already do

Busy day, but it was fun stuff ! Scanned my latest two pattern alterations so I could store the originals before they blow away and vanish. We have the front and back doors open for the cooling breezes, so it could happen. I was weighting them down with a scavenged cut-glass doorknob, just in case. As my usual, I edit the scans so the resulting printouts use as little ink as possible, ‘cause I’m cheap. I’m getting better at it, too.

Then Beloved Hubby, who was home today, announced we would hit the Library after lunch – we’d be out anyway, as DFIL needed to be dropped off for a doctor visit nearby. DMIL surprised us all and said she wanted to go, and we were delighted to have her with us. I was already happy, as we’d splurged on a lunch special offered by the local Chinese restaurant – there is enough left over for dinner tonight.

We all came home with books, too. DMIL is starting a new fantasy series, and applied for a replacement card. She’s hoping the new series is good, since it looks like they have the whole set. And she wants me to show her how to use the online catalog and how to reserve other books. Beloved got a couple volumes that tie into his current freestyle studies, and Dearest Son snagged a thick book on classic cars. I got a Mercedes Lackey book I’ve already read but wanted to enjoy again, two on dressmaking and design forms, and an interesting looking novel. I can hardly wait for bedtime tonight, as I have plenty of ease-down reading from which to choose !

I’m assuming DFIL’s appointment went well, it seems rude to ask. We got the new-to-us 4Runner titled and plated ($$$, but had to be done), a put-off task that’d been bugging us for weeks. Then Beloved had to run up to a job site, so I had some quiet time. I should have sewed, but instead I ate a leftover egg roll and devoured three chapters of The Black Swan while Dearest and DMIL took naps. I love long late-summer afternoons…

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