Monday, February 6, 2012

This wasn't quite the dye job I always thought I'd try someday...

Current Mood : Still sleepy, if you can believe that.

Well. Today was the big day. And I survived, although I'm terribly late writing this. I was so jittery even after it was done that I still don't think they gave me a mild sedative during the surgery. I felt some of it, and that really surprised the doctor. The 'hot fluid' I felt that they told me was heated dye was blood. I kinda knew. I mean, they're cutting into an artery, there's gonna be some. I had no blockages and was told my kidneys are 'pristine'. Now if we could just get one of those to circulate blood for me...

I had some fun. When the question was raised several times whether I was getting a left *and* right cath, I called out that I was, I had a 'buy one get one free' coupon. And, boy, weren't they gonna be in trouble, all my friends bought that same coupon, too. I got to discuss the difficulties of finding a first-issue Lagoona Blue doll with a devoted Dad who'd spotted the MH key-ring dangling from my purse, and chatted about Mercedes Lackey books with another medical professional.

While the two older dudes on either side of me in Recovery snored peacefully, even after, I was too wired to actually sleep. I wished I had the MP3 player - not that I could've taken it into surgery, but after would have been nice - and really regretted forgetting my cell phone. For some reason, they couldn't find Beloved Hubby to tell him I was fine and resting comfortably. Plus I was hungry - it was another 'fast' day. Some joker turned the Recovery room TV to a cooking channel, may they go off their diets soon. I watched the clock tick past the two hours I had to rest, and they tested the incision - it was holding. I got another replay of the after-care instructions and we were outta there at 1pm. Whew !

Beloved took me out for lunch, and once in our room, I immediately crashed. For four hours. Only reason I woke up was biological necessities. And I fell asleep as soon as I kicked my slippers back off. At least it was done, I was following doctor's orders, and I was at peace.

We'll see what the cardiologists say when they review the photos taken. It was kind of funny, but the guy who did that - take the images - was really happy with the quality of them. He actually said I took beautiful images, some of the clearest he'd ever seen. I guess that's nice to know. Not much I can do with it, though.

Believe it or not, I'm still tired. So I'll catch up a bit more later. Thanks for all your get-well wishes and prayers. I have so many wonderful people who get me through every day - and especially through the big days like today. Thank you. 

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