Monday, February 13, 2012

Decisions, decisions...

Current Mood : Joyful !

Isn't she *wicked awesome* ?!!1! Beloved Hubby finished her today, on our 14th wedding anniversary. And I fell in love with her all over again. Just like I do with Beloved at least once a day ! She still needs a bit of varnish, but I'm gonna give her a few days to thoroughly dry. Squeeee !

I actually tried to do it m'self. I did OK, but nowhere near as deliciously as Beloved. I could NOT get those darn 'points' on her upper lip to come out even. Guess that's why artists have to slave away for decades, enhancing and practicing their craft. I have no art in me at all !

Well, I have decided. I do want an Operetta doll. In a way, it's Cupid's fault. When I grew to like her permanent lace, Operetta's facial scarring and tattoo sleeve didn't seem to matter as much. Which is rather hilarious, if you know Beloved Hubby. He's a tattoo artist, and is pretty much covered in 'em. I never had a problem with it, although my mother did (or it was a convenient excuse to be hateful, that's a definite possibility). Tattoos or other body ornamentation don't much change what's inside. However, having horns surgically added and thinking splitting a tongue is a good fashion statement probably means some folks will still give you a wide berth anyway. But it's an independent choice, and when ya do stuff you know won't get you acclaim and approval, you kinda choose to run the gauntlet. I just won't be in it. Even with my indolent life, I got other stuff ta do besides point and whisper. Guess I was too much on the receiving end of that to do it to someone else when I know what it feels like.

So. Operetta. Want one. But. I'm going to let this doll come to me. No wild hunts, no eBay trawling, no shipping, nada. If I get one, I will find her on a shelf, and I'll buy her if I have the money. I'm done with the usual crazy stalking time. Besides, there's at least two more Operettas coming out, and you all know I'm buying all four Roller Maze girls ! Not such a big deal, don't care much about the pet or diary on the Basic doll, although I may buy her shoes on eBay. Just ranks when the shoes from a $20. doll cost $10. with nothing else included.

Oh, Beloved's folks got us a cake ! How sweet ! Between my favorite restaurant, Cupid, and cake, I'm half-convinced it's my birthday or something ! 


  1. I love the Cupid's lip mod... very lovely paint job!!
    ... and yes...
    these little Monster High girls are addicting, aren't they?!

  2. Oh, she's beautiful with that lip repaint!
