Thursday, June 18, 2015

This is about all I did all day. . . but I like it !

It’s odd, but today, I just couldn’t get motivated. I’ve been busy-bee humming in the Arena all week, but even snagging the latest Jen Wrenne Summer Sew Along free pattern didn’t get me off my hinder. I watched trash TV, ate a smorgasbord of leftovers (meatloaf night = we all eat heartily, but there's still a full fridge for a day or two), and sat around, downloading more – yes, more ! – free embroidery designs, but they didn’t get me off my round rump either. 

I didn’t even do housework ! Plotted some grocery cherry-picking from online ads, clicked on more Pinterest images than you want to know about, stumbled on a great design sale and bought three for $2.40, and can’t wait to use them, but it wasn’t until shortly before Beloved Hubby got home that I started to feel that urge. You know it, that sudden need to create, sew, make something, anything ! Decided to go ahead with Week #3’s Jen Wrenne’s pattern, a boat-necked sleeved top, and cut it out of the increasingly ragged remnants of that grey-with-hearts shirt that was already on the cutting board. 

It’s funny that I didn’t notice how thin and fragile that fabric really is, despite making a reversible skirt and two Barbie-size dresses out of it, along with two shirts last year. By itself, in larger pieces, it wanted to stretch and flop all over the place. As you can see, it went pretty well – decided to just hem the collar this time, but a binding would have worked better – although the sleeves and underarm are a bit too tight with a regular ¼” seam allowance. I went with a really tiny allowance, and it worked, but I’ll have to tweak further efforts. The sleeves were actually about an inch longer on the original pattern, but I’m running out of recycled shirt, so they got trimmed a bit. 

I’m also getting a bit better at matching – when I cut this out, I made sure to align the bottom edges with the same color row of hearts, front and back. Had to cut the two back pieces out separately, didn’t have a straight strip of fabric long enough to make a folded cut. Matched up quite well when I sewed the seams. (grin) The original shirt didn’t have that ! 

I’m just glad Beloved’s OK with me having ‘only made doll clothes’ days !

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