Tuesday, February 3, 2015

It'll look better with soles...

Go me ! I got the wireless and the Wii to work together – now I got Netflix and cable. If I find a cheap enough DVD player, I’ll be livin’ large !

Today was kind of a lazy one. I enjoyed a nice long nap when Dearest Son did, and downloaded several new Valentine’s Day themed embroidery designs. All free ! A ‘Love Monster’ in-the-hoop stuffie (another chance to see if I want that $10. cat design later), a heart-shaped zippered change purse, some other cute designs I didn’t really want. Lemme know if you want links, they’re mostly on Facebook and some require you to ‘join’ the fan page. I already was a member, no big whoop.

I also tumbled onto a  good sale, and spent another $5. on $12. worth of designs. Evidently snowglobe ornaments were big this year, I mostly missed it, coming back to machine embroidery after Christmas. But I found a sewing machine snowglobe ornament I really liked, and with the sale, snagged it, a cute butterfly pencil topper, two heart ‘felties’ (small felt designs, often applique, mostly used for hair ornaments, but great for doll clothes), and a heart-shaped photo frame. Not bad, five designs for $5., especially considering the snowglobe ornament itself was $5. without the sale !

At least these little sprees will end soon – the last of my funds will probably vanish into the Hancock Fabrics cash register Thursday ! In the meanwhile, I made a paper shoe today, espadrille style, so I’d have a working pattern to use with the duct tape I bought yesterday. It’s not my idea, I saw it on YouTube, but as usual, the directions are for too-large AG shoes. Since I still had Merrie on my desk from her new shirt photo shoot, I borrowed her foot. Later tonight (I’ll be up late, between caffeine and my nap), I’ll give it a try, and if it works, scan my pattern to make more later. Good thing I save that cardboard from fat quarters, it’ll come in handy for this project !

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