Saturday, September 10, 2011

I got out of the house today...and was soooo glad to get back home !

Current Mood : Wiped out 

Very busy day today. Beloved Hubby finally got a photo he wants to paint enlarged, and put on the first coat of paint to the sincerely ugly kitchen cabinets. It'll need at least a second, if not a third coat, and that's after he sanded off various crud and paint drips from at least two other paintings (that were both done by drunk monkeys, from the looks of them, and both in the same hideous crap brown).

The kids across the street, who were either gone most of the summer or ignored Dearest Son when they were home, are evidently bored, because they pretty much came over every time the doors were open. I was down for a nap the first time, and didn't know, so I was lucky I didn't surprise anyone (it was hot in our room, and I'd stripped down). Ended up feeling trapped in our bedroom for three hours, but hey, at least I got some rest and reading in.

There's three kids, and they're all pretty good younglings, but the little girl, K., kinda gets on my nerves. Last time she came by, she just walked in and pulled all my Monster High dolls down while Beloved and I were at her house talking with her parents, just sort of hanging out. When we returned, all the dolls were in a pile, half-dressed, arms and hands pulled out (they're designed to do that, but the ball and socket break easily), hair and shoes everywhere. And I had no idea she was even in our house ! I've since been sort of wary of her... today, I could barely sit without her there, asking when I'd get the rest of the dolls down for her. She'd already helped herself to the ones she could reach while I was still in our bedroom.

Beloved was also getting a bit annoyed at his limited Dearest-free art time getting constantly interrupted, so we left for a little shopping. I was a little nervous, since I just discovered this week - I'm not having asthma attacks still. I'm that seriously winded walking from one end of the house to the other ! So I unashamedly took the wheel-cart at Hobby Lobby, but arranged things so my leg bandages showed, since I am still petty. Beloved was more than happy to push me around ! All I bought was a new green seam ripper, since he stole my last new one to use as an awl, but it was fun to get out and look around from a new angle.

Dollar Tree, which does not have 'fat-azz' carts of any kind, darn near killed me. But again, I toughed it out, got two new books I'll tell you more about when I've read a few pages, and some hard candy. Not a bad visit, the problem was the cash. Someone in front of us bought over a hundred bucks worth of stuff, mostly cleaning chemicals, and then her out-of-state paper check wouldn't go through. We would have jumped registers, but it was the only one open. On the fifth try, manually keying it in, it was finally accepted. Never thought I'd see anyone spend three digits and change at a DTree.

Plus I sorta needed the hard candy. Forgot to mention, when I woke up from my too-short nap, I had raging heartburn. I haven't had that since I was expecting Dearest ! And this was painful. I tried some hard candy, lots of water, deep-breathing exercises, and going back to sleep, but none of that worked.

Once I had access to the computer, I looked up other home remedies. Ate ginger, ate celery, ate honey, drank pickle juice, drank lemon juice, ate a couple crackers, had a salad for an early dinner. And still had that twisty feeling in my throat. At least the 'burning esophagus' feeling was gone, and it was just the throat part lingering. Beloved bought me Tums, and goss, are those awful, and I still went to bed with my throat reminding me that yes, things can always get worse.

Woke up with the same, ate another Tums with breakfast, spaced out the prescriptions I'm taking, especially these six antibiotics a day (four of one, two of another). I hate to say it, but the only thing that worked was that I threw up. I let out a belch that's still echoing in the back of the house.

Here's hoping the 'workout' lets me sleep tonight ! I really need to walk more...

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