Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Enjoy Beloved Hubby every chance you get

Current Mood : Sleepy but happy - with lots to look forward to !

Yet another everyday day, I'm still on the sofa, but there's not much going on. Dearest Son has expanded his skills to repairing his Razor scooter - he said it was broken, and now says it's fixed - so he's pretty proud of himself.

I spent half of our time at Dollar Tree the other day looking for another sudoku book, but they didn't even have those super-easy chintzy search-a-word ones. I was enjoying the cheap book of it I had, but it vanished during the move. Ranks, because I was about 3/4 done. Last time I finished one of those books, I think was my tonsil surgery when I was twelve, and Dollar Tree didn't exist yet !

Instead, I got two books, Escape from Bridezilla, a paperback novel from Jacqueline deMontravel, because I can't seem to pass up bad wedding adventures, and Columbine, a hardback study of the school shooting, because I'm a bit too close to that topic, too. Bridezilla is OK so far, just sort of bland - although the page and a half on revisiting childhood-denied breakfast cereals was unique. Columbine takes the tact from page one that Harris and Klebold were sniveling cowards and Janus-faced liars, and the author's hatred leaks off most pages, even when their names aren't mentioned. I confess, after spending my high-school years semi-bullied, I see things a bit differently, so this book promises to be interesting.

For some reason, I could barely stay awake today, but that came in handy tonight - Beloved Hubby and I had a serious talk, which we both needed for some time. We're in for some changes soon ! Major and minor, but at least we'll be moving towards something, instead of constantly chasing and scrambling to make yesterday's bills. I'm not sure where or when all this is gonna happen, but I know it will, and you'll know when I do ! 

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