Sunday, March 13, 2016

I actually sewed something today !

Massive thunderstorms rocked the atmosphere all night, so no sleep was to be had for any resident of Chez Insanity. However, when we did wake, there was bacon and hash browns ready to be cooked and devoured, so we had that going for us. I don’t think we noticed that twice-a-year ridiculousness that is Daylight Savings Time ‘til well into the afternoon. It helps when most of the clocks in the house – on computers and cell phones – update themselves.

Still, I found it hard to get going even on fun stuff today. Got bored of cooking bacon halfway through, and I was using our big surface electric griddle ! Had the fabric cut out and thread picked out for ‘Little Godiva’ Elsa before 2pm, while my guys napped, but didn’t get started on the very simple dress ‘til nearly 3.

Came out pretty well, and quickly. I think I got the pattern off Pinterest, but here’s a link, it’s for a 15-inch doll, courtesy of Heartland Happy. They have a pajama / shirt and pants free pattern available, too. I decided to just hem the neck and armholes instead of fussing with fold-over elastic, and it came out pretty, but in my opinion, the finished item was too big, and the armholes were almost to Elsa’s waist. Even though the original pattern is shown on a TollyTots Cinderella – identical body to Elsa’s – it hung waaaay loose. So I took up an additional quarter inch seam along both sides, which snugged it up a bit and ate up some of the huge armhole, but still leaves it easy to get on and off.

Her dress slid under the necklace while I was doing the final fitting, so that worked out nice. Looks good covering the necklace, too. Its original pattern length keeps it modest when she sits, so I only have minor adaptations before using this pattern again. Once I get her some shoes made, I’ll pop her in the Fever box and get her donated. After I get her photo, of course !


  1. I like what you did with this. The print is cute as well.

    1. Thanks, Lovely One ! It's hard to tell in the photo, but the long tree-branch bits of the print are done in silver glitter. I couldn't wait to buy a yard of that at Mal-Wart !

      Would you go with green shoes to match, or black to go with everything ?

  2. I'd go with green shoes to match. The better she looks , the more likely she is to catch someone's eye and be bought before she gets trashed in the toy section.
    If whoever buys her knows how to sew they'll make her other clothes and shoes but if they don't know , this will be her forever outfit so there's no need for a neutral choice.
    I hope you're getting your rest, take care of yourself.

  3. She's got her own homemade Frozen Fever dress! How sweet!

    1. Hey, dulcet angel ! Hope your day was stellar ! Yep, you caught me, I was thinking of that when I selected the material. Giving serious thought to 'touching up' some of the snowflakes with a hot-pink Sharpie. I can't get nothin' past ya'll !
