Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Even I don't believe this...

Had half an entry typed, but I had to erase it. It was mostly more ranting about my hospital room-mate, so it’s best deleted. Besides, returning to the ER this morning was much more exciting !

Yup. My chest has been getting tighter and tighter since I got back, and I didn’t want it to get as bad as it did before. So once I was pretty sure it was out of my management and control, I hit the 911 button again. I thought it was hard to call them the first time. Second time in less than three weeks is a lot harder, truly.

I didn’t get admitted this time, but I did get the O2 treatment we asked about, several times before my discharge. Turns out, I was approved for it, but no one followed through when it was time for me to leave. I understand, oxygen therapy is freakin’ expensive, they don’t want to just pass it out like aspirin, but I really do need it. Five hours later, Beloved Hubby and I were on our way home, an E cylinder riding along, to get me through today. The home service, let’s call them C&C, will be here tomorrow with more and a concentrator. Concentrators pull O2 from the air, so I’m not on a cylinder all the time. I can save the cylinders for when I’m out and about. They’re the same guys who took care of me years ago, so I about know how it’s gonna work. I’m approved for six months right now, and depending, I can be re-upped every year after that.

We stopped for a fast-food feast definitely not on the American Diabetes Association Meal Plan, but we both wanted to celebrate. Between stress, not sleeping much in the hospital, barely sleeping at all last night, and that huge meal, I crashed for three straight hours. Oh, it felt so good. Tagged Beloved so he could get some rest – he’s been driven nuts this past month, and, if anything, has been sleeping even less than me. Your beloved’s pain is always worse than your own.

We were trying to get an O2 concentrator on our own, since we had a prescription on file, but it was either shell out $900. to $2000. we didn’t have, or $250. a month to rent one. We didn’t have $250. right now either, and were hoping I’d be OK ‘til Friday. Or possibly Monday, since most medical supply places around here are closed Saturdays and Sundays. I more or less knew this morning I couldn’t hold out that long.

Took a half-hour to peel off all the sensor pads and bandages – I’d been so tired, I crashed solid with them still on. Then I had such fun playing online again. Had to clear 260+ new messages and another 200 older ones out of my e-mail in-box. My ‘save’ folder is now bulging ! Dearest Son’s taking it pretty well, although seeing me get loaded into the ambulance made him cry, ‘I just got my momma back, and you’re taking her away again !’. I reassured him as best I could, but I’m soooo glad I didn’t  have to be admitted.

I feel so much better. And happier ! I may actually get to play with my dolls – and finish the dress I was working on – tomorrow ! 


  1. Geez, that's unbelievable that your rightfully-approved treatment got stalled at the gate! It'd make me furious!

    Poor kiddo, I hope he's doing better now that you're back home again!

  2. OK I should read everything before I type. I'm glad you got the treatment you needed and should've had. I hated my hospital stays and getting home to sleep is awesome. I hope you & your son feel better now.
