Friday, November 6, 2015

You don't even wanna know what I think Prince Eric is doing. . .

Today went pretty well, I think. While I arrived 45 minutes early for my VA cardiac appointment, it was a good thing – I had to circle the huge parking lot three times to find a spot ! And I only got it because I followed some dude to where he was parked, all the while praying no one else would snag it out from under me. And honestly, if the two cars in front of me, also cruising for parking, had turned left instead of right, I wouldn’t have got that one. As it was, it was the very last spot in the furthest corner away from the building – but I was happy as anything to get it !

Coasted in ten minutes before my appointment, wheezing slightly from the quick walk I’d kept up the whole way. I lazily took the elevator up one flight for a chance to catch my breath ! And they got me in and out pretty quickly – I’d barely had much chance to chat with a Purple Heart recipient (he got it when I was not even three years old !) before we both got called back. I hope things go well for him. I gave him the purple EKG keychain.

No surprises, the ICD is functioning perfectly, and there has been some slight improvement in my heart’s rhythm – not a lot, but noticeable. I’ll have another appointment in six months. And they LOVED the keychains ! My cardiac doctor called in her husband (my surgeon) to pick theirs out together before they went for lunch, it was so sweet. They could hardly believe I made them myself, for them. And it may become a slight income stream – she wants me to make about 50 for their Christmas party, and I can set my own price. Details to come later, but I was happy just to know they thought my work was good enough to give as gifts to their friends and co-workers, even if it doesn’t pan out.

Once home, I wanted something special for lunch, so I stopped at Local Grocer #2’s deli – it always smells so delicious, but their lunch special was beyond my purse today. However, I did find a small tray of mini King’s Hawaiian roll sandwiches on markdown – sold ! Very tasty. I liked the roast beef best, but the turkey was good, too. Dearest Son was not quite ready to come home from his grandparents’ yet, they’d just started lunch and he wanted to see the end of E. T. , so I headed on home, they’d text when he was ready.

Had nearly two hours to m’self ! Ate half the sandwiches, watched some trash TV, took a half-hour nap before my phone went off. What a treat ! Then Beloved came home, and after dinner, we got chips, so I made my magical ‘leftover sour cream and Dollar Tree Onion Soup Mix packet’ dip – yum ! I get three or four servings out of a pouch of that soup mix. I don’t think I’ve ever made soup with it.

About today’s image. . . .I saw this years ago, in the Kids section at Hastings. It's just two pages of the same Magic Reveal pad that make one unfortunate image. Yes, the book-thing comes this way, I didn't change anything. I darn near laughed m’self sick, but didn’t buy it - $8. was a bit steep for a grope joke. Lo and behold, I somehow managed to buy the exact same Magic Reveal coloring set at the Thrift last Thursday for 25¢, I just didn’t know it, ‘cause it was in a sealed bag. So, anyway, enjoy !

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