Thursday, December 8, 2016

Freebies, freebies, freebies - and I'm too tired to sew !

Ten minutes in, you'll wish for the slasher flick of the same name, I am sooo not kidding.

Feeling much better today ! I was actually starting to worry about m’self a bit, but instead I read my multivitamin label and ate a huge bowl of cereal. I’ve been diagnosed with occasional anemia in the past, it’s minor enough that it’s under no treatment – let’s face it, with everything I am under treatment for, it’s bound to create some conflict somewhere. Anyway, my huge horse-pill multi has zero iron in it, probably to avoid introducing iron poisoning – it’s a thing – and I know it’s been a while since I ate many iron-rich foods. Even when we go out for burgers, it’s rare for me to eat more than half of it. Luckily I bought a box of Wheat Chex on sale last week – it’s loaded with the stuff.

Got some sleep, but ended up over-sleeping again, luckily I didn’t have big plans today. Plus Beloved Hubby took the small Ranger truck to work, instead of his big diesel, as she warms up quickly and stays warm much longer. It’s cold out there today ! Plus, I don’t really feel confident enough to drive today anyway. I know I can drive the Diesel, I used to operate our red and silver one, back in the day, but unless there’s something vastly more important than Dollar Tree, I think we’re home today. Besides, dishes have piled up again. If you have perpetually cold hands, doing the dishes is one of the most warm activities out there !

Meanwhile, I’ve printed out a coffee cup cozy pattern from House on Hill Road (direct PDF link here), hope to sew some up soon. Coffee goes cold fast in Chez Insanity, maybe these will help. I’ll probably use fleece scraps instead of batting – all I have is the loose stuff, and I’m not going out shopping for a bit. Our main coffee cups are sort of conical (actually, it’s this set, but I can tell ya we didn’t pay that much for ours !), so I printed out the pattern, see if it works. I’m also gonna do a straight, non-curved strip one, as we have plenty of plain Dollar Tree type mugs around here, too. 

So this entry won’t be a total waste (like pretty much all of ‘em this week !), here’s a link to a buncha free patterns for 18-inch dolls, like American Girl and clones. I use ‘em as jump-off points for my Disney Princess and Me designs, and with just a few nips and tucks, most fit my Timey Tell vintage dolls, too. That’s why I almost always download the Friday freebies from Pixie Faire, although it's odd when you have no dolls that size and composition. Anyway, there’s a ton more there than just doll clothes and toys, but here’s the link straight to Fleece Fun’s doll hoard. Scroll up and down when you’ve done downloading the doll stuff for lots more to see ! Their tagline is 'Velvet is pretentious. Fleece is fun.' and they definitely mean it !

All these free patterns, no wonder I don’t even miss Hancock Fabrics. . .

1 comment:

  1. What I like about coffee cozies is that they make the mug comfortable enough to hold while the coffee inside is still hot. I guess if they accomplish that it doesn't matter if they actually keep it warm for longer. :-)
    Thanks for the patterns!
    Keep taking care of yourself.
