Thursday, July 26, 2012

I’m an idiot, but I'm either a bigger or smaller one than I always thought !

Current Mood : Wired

Current Image Notes : Click to see better, but please know my camera doesn’t come *close* to showing how beautiful and shimmery these shoes really are !

OK, so…a couple weeks ago, you may have noticed that I was buying stuff as though any unspent money would lose all value. I had soooo much fun ! But of course, I bought a couple things I can’t say I really regret, but that maybe I should have been a little less nutzo with my fundage. TRU sent out a ‘Hey, buy this markdown stuff !!’ e-mail, and I chomped on it like a bass in a drought. True, it was cheap stuff, but…

(deep breath) I’m just gonna say it. The Liv and Moxie accessory packs were among the markdowns. And I preface confessing my spending sin by saying that I’d just decided to not buy the Roller Maze MH dolls, since they were all characters I already had multiples of, and their skates were kinda weird. This was slightly before I found ‘em semi-cheap on eBay. So. I ordered six – yes, 6 ! – of the Liv Roller Skating accessory set. True, they were only a buck each, and I had free shipping, but still…I already knew the skates only partially fit the MH ghouls. What was I thinking ?

I further compounded the idiocy by loving the Mattel skates when they arrived. For whatever reason, TRU sat on my order for a week before processing it, so it was nearly three weeks before it arrived. And, just to prove how stupid I get, I tossed out the receipt. Eventually, I unpackaged the other accessory sets I bought, and was happy with them all, but…those six pairs of purple skates sat in the closet, unopened. I felt vaguely guilty about them every time I put clothes away.

I guess finally sorting out those culled fabric boxes put me in ‘declutter mode’, since the Liv skates were next. The receipts were well and truly gone, but maybe I could print out the order from the website and get a store credit or something. So I did, and got it all bagged up for my next trip over there.

Just out of curiosity, though…I pulled out the Liv skates I bought from a Mal-Wart two moves ago and, for the first time, visually compared them to the Roller Maze ones. They are worlds apart, but they sort of meshed. Like rental skates vs. customs, you could plainly see the difference, but they both rolled. The art is in the skater. And with a bit of a nick in the back slit, I could adjust the fit better.

Well, shoot. Now I wanna keep ‘em ! The set comes with a helmet, pads, water bottle, and ‘energy bars’, and it’d be easy to customize the skates and helmets, either with Sharpies or spray paint. If I keep them, that’ll give me twelve pair, enough for some great photos and fun play.

The bag is back in my closet. I still feel like an idiot, and I may never use all of them. But at least they’re there when I want to ! And I’ll crack into them later tonight, end the debate once and for all. TRU certainly won’t take ‘em back once they’ve been opened.

Otherwise, it was a sort of catch-up day. Hoping to sew this evening, as I’m all caught up with various small bits and bobs that needed doing, and I’ll have the time. Heck, Beloved Hubby came home, ate a sandwich, and went right to bed, poor Honey. I hope he gets a good night’s sleep.

And that he can snooze over a sewing machine motor ! 

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