Current Mood : Very Sleepy...
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Actually, I want it more for fabric storage. |
Learned a lot today. Dearest
Son commented he’d turned his track-pad, built into the bottom edge of his
laptop, off. Why, I didn’t know you could ! And I curse at mine at least twice
a day, whenever my hands stray and I lose half a paragraph to some random
select-and-cut action the thing does, seemingly at random. I never feel m’self
touch the thing, but there goes whatever I just wrote, unless I see it fast
enough to hit the ‘undo’ arrow before it’s auto-saved. His was a function key,
but mine didn’t respond the same way – but I soon found out how to activate the
‘disable’ switch. Yaaay !
I also finally got off my
butt and got some stuff put away. Embarrassed to admit it, but when I had to
move the MH School playset and all
the dolls earlier this month, I bagged up all the pets and props and pieces and
shoved the lot into the closet. Problem is, I couldn’t close the closet, and
last night, Ginger-kitty decided to knock half my stuff in there over, and conclude
her statement by dropping a glass roller-skate onto the bag with the lockers.
Still amazed one (or more) didn’t get broken. Those ole Avon bottles are heavy
So today, I decided to get
it all sorted. I kinda hated to, because I wanted to keep some of it out, but
my immediate space is pretty packed as it is now. Levered the MH bin off the top closet shelf and got
the big stuff in there, mostly Coffin
Bean pieces … but once I took apart the desks, carts, and picnic table,
that left me with a lotta small, easy to lose pieces. And I wanted to keep the
desks, lockers, and the second picnic table where I could get to them easily.
The bin still had space, but…
Ah-hah ! You may remember I
used to have a bunch of Barbie doll cases. I mostly used them for Lab decoration
back then, but several, I really loved. I kept those, and hung them on my
closet door when we moved here. Completely empty inside, save for one Midge
case I used to store unwanted MH props
until I trade, sell, or give them away. Turns out, the school furniture easily
fit in the ‘Barbie Goes Travelling’ case with room to spare, and the lockers
filled up the other Midge one. The food pieces fit with a baggie of other food
bits I kept in the Arena, and I stuffed the extra lockers in the back of the ‘Pets’
drawer of the rolling rainbow cart. Now I can get to it all, but it’s safely
out of the way. What a relief !
And I’m really looking
forward to getting back on that swimsuit project Monday !
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